Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to your Doctorate of Traditional Naturopathy

    1. Acid and Ph Reams

    2. The RBTI (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization) protocol

    3. QUIZ

    1. AK basics

    2. How factors can interact with muscle response

    3. Indicator muscle testing

    4. Chapman Reflexes, neurolymphatic points, Lovette Reactors

    5. Injury Recall Technique

    6. Emotional Stress Release

    7. Quiz

    1. Ayahuasca

    2. Quiz

    1. Intro to the human body

    2. Cells and Tissue

    3. Integumentary System, Bone Tissue, and the Skeletal System

    4. Appendicular Skeleton and Joints

    5. Nervous System

    6. Endocrine System

    7. Digestive System

    8. Hepatic System

    9. Urinary System

    10. Respiratory system

    11. Cardiovascular System

    12. Reproductive System

    13. Blood, Immune and Lymphatic system

    14. Basic Neurology

    15. How to assess cranial nerves

    16. Quiz

    1. Essential oils

    2. QUIZ

About this course

  • $3,333.00
  • 291 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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