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Shoulder Stabilized
I decided to give the gym a try again this morning, since I feel like my breathing is stabilized (though I do still have to think about making sure I'm breathing right sometimes- my shoulder will remind me, but I'm catching it some before that too, now. ) I am STOKED! I was able to work arms and shoulders, even use the Smiths press doing squats, that always has me wimping away after 5-6 reps (and I don't even know why, but my shoulder would hurt from it). I got in a full 3 sets, with no issues! I took all of my reps on everything slow and steady, making sure to breathe properly. My movements felt even and coordinated for the first time, and I never once felt like my left side movements were lagging behind or weaker than the right side! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! 💋💋💋
What will DNA(dynamic neuromuscular assessment) teach you?
I saw a client that one of my colleagues and I were sharing 
The issue at hand was, after doing a leg press machine, there was bladder urgency nonstop
Her doctor wanted to put an internal stimulation device in 🤯😮
I knew that DNA would be the answer 
Standing-both her feet were rolled in or pronated, and her pelvis was in an anterior tilt, so there was absolutely no core pelvic floor stabilization whatsoever 
Right TVA was hypertonic (9 on AO comprehensive)
Anterior pelvic floor hypotonic (1 on AO)
Diaphragm exhalation phase and pause, both hypertonic (9)
Left Multifidi functional dysfunctional (9)
TvA hypertonic (9)
Cause was limbic/emotions
Emotion was something that she heard that made her angry, which was paired with the left adrenal (secondary issue)
It was a priority, and it was safe to be cleared 
Did the vagal clearing protocol-I teach this in quantum shifting along with the belief protocol we did
Reassess the breathing apparatus with 100% difference - client can access the pelvic floor 
Re-educated in prone crocodile breathing and supine hip 90,90 breathing 
Reassessed stance and now both feet are no longer pronated. Client was standing upright and actually felt 16 pounds lighter and there was no longer any bladder urgency. The client now has access to foot mobility as she can now reestablish both arches. 
If you are a practitioner and you’re tired of rubbing people and not getting results or you just want to learn how to help yourself, this course is for you 🥳
DNA is a template and once you learn that template you will be able to apply it to anything in your life that you use.
DNA has the capability of being performed in person in a clinic as well as remotely via distance nervous response testing and on yourself- it is also how I read and navigate through the AO Scan data 
This is why I love #DNA and the #AO
Using the template we can “follow the breadcrumbs” to find the exact location of the limbic, physical or structural issue
Today I had a client who’s gut improved dramatically after 2 months on the 12 week nervous system reset program, however there were still items showing up on the scanner such as adrenals, cortisol and thyroid
After running the database we saw the thyroid in particular was struggling with the emotion hardness. This client knew exactly who and what this represented so we asked for priority and permission to alleviate the emotion from the thyroid. We used a blend of neurosomatic, pdtr and vagus clearing to address the emotion followed by instilling positive beliefs.
Here’s the problem. We cannot simply remove an maladaptive coping strategy. This creates a void in the container, which is then replaced with something-more often than not that’s something is also maladaptive and potentially has an adverse outcome. 
Here is the solution: we must honor the nervous systems survival based strategies. We must with clear intention, replace a maladaptive strategy with a beneficial coping strategy 
If you're ready to heal and find your root cause, we are ready for you
Worked with a client who was having issues with their eyes 👀
We ran the AO database and used DNA template to establish the top 2 emotions of painful memories and nervousness. Things are always paired in the body so you will find a secondary and a primary.
Asked if they were safe and ready to clear-
We then walked through the neuro somatic processing exploring those emotions, feelings, sensations and where they were being felt in the body- learn more about this in Quantum Shifting or the energy and somatic course I did
We used quantum shifting and a vagal clearing technique to remove these emotions from that physical part of the body
Eyes felt lighter after. The painful memories was something that they didn’t want to see. Your eyes are the keyboard to your brain so we noticed how the eyes moved when the “painful memories” were cued up.
This work is extremely potent and powerful, and has long lasting results 
Many of my clients only need to be seen once or twice but I never see someone more than six times for the same problem 
The typical client has been everywhere has tried everything to no avail. 
A beautiful thing about DNA is it can assess issues that are structural, physiological or limbic, can be done in person, remote and on yourself
The template can be used for anything- it is how I navigate through the massive information in the AO Scan reports-you can learn more in the AO mentoring group I run which starts next week
DNA is having a conversation with the nervous system 
DNA is following the breadcrumbs to find the root cause 
DNA takes you out of the binary yes or no type of muscle testing to refine and hone in on more advanced sophisticated neurological response testing- binary is flawed
Reasons why muscle testing can be false or difficult
👉🏻not grounded
👉🏻polarity off
👉🏻C1C2 off
👉🏻testing the side of pain
👉🏻 prejudiced
👉🏻mental and emotional state
👉🏻mental intention
👉🏻heavy metals
👉🏻improper breathing
👉🏻cranial faults
👉🏻Do not cross legs
👉🏻no jewelry or watches.
👉🏻Fit bits, apple watches
👉🏻 Keep an open mind at all times
👉🏻thoughts can influences results
Having a background in muscle testing and applied kinesiology makes learning DNA easier 
In advanced levels of DNA having a background of kinetic chains and movement will be beneficial 
Worked with a client yesterday who has been having issues for quite some time after an arm traction injury and can no longer raise the arm. DNA was utilized to hone in and find what we needed to promote some active contraction of the right shoulder. 
This client has already gone down the conventional road and they pretty much discharged her. However, the client still can’t raise her arm but has normal passive range of motion-There is obviously a disconnect somewhere however, MRIs come back clean. 
Client is already eating an anti-inflammatory diet and has gone through physical therapy 
Eyes often times show on AO Scan 
I decided to do some neurological testing with the eyes 
We found left superior rectus 9/9 on the comprehensive AO Scan report, as well as right inferior rectus 1/1.
We also saw the sphenoid 9/9
Utilizing the DNA template, we held the neurological X card in the appropriate eye positions and tested the indicator to see if it was a match 
We found active muscle control, and the ability to initiate movement with the left superior rectus and the right inferior rectus - these are both cranial nerve 3(oculomotor)
We then paired all of that with the sphenoid bone, and got even more activity out of the arm 
We are correlated the eye positions with the NLP chart- got some hits on that, but was not ready to be cleared- eyes usually have a limbic Association 
Homework was looking in the eye directions, holding the X neurological card while activating shoulder flexion 
If you would like to learn how to hack into the nervous system, this course is for you! No amount of stretching, physical therapy, joint mobilization, fascial work was going to fix this problem 
Today I worked with a client that had suppressed beliefs about her health that remained in her right hip
We used DNA and found a right TVA, multifidi, piriformis and quadratus lumborum all hypotonic with the cause limbic
We asked what the body needed and was told a age related regression
That took us back to August 2020, when she had a psychic reading that basically told her her health was going to crash and all the systems that were “wrong” with her
The subconscious believed every bit of it and played it out over and over
We had to clear all that and work with her belief systems
Be careful what you say to your self
Your mind is listening