Testimonial for our program
I started having issues years ago. I'd been taking colon supplements for probably 15 years and started having super heavy periods in 2015. By 2017 I had a hysterectomy (kept ovaries) but had so many symptoms. I was simply wiped out all the time and had panic attacks for no reason.. I found a functional medicine person in 2019 and she gave me some HRT and recommended some vitamins and minerals. I felt better but still needed help. I read a LOT about food, nutrition, diseases, parasites - You name it. I completely immersed myself and knew I could heal myself. I found a Quest practitioner which is another bioresonanse device but it was very time consuming then I found out about the AO scanner. I found an AO practitioner but then I found Dr. Becky. I followed her post for almost a year and finally took the plunge because I knew I was still missing something. We discovered my issues were mostly emotional from years of built up trauma. I did her quantum shifting course and I'm still working through a lot of crap but my scans are soo much better than they were in the beginning. She's the real deal and will teach you how to heal yourself which is a true gift we should all know 💛
Anxiety Reversed
Dr. Becky, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the immeasurable impact you have had on my life. Your unwavering support and guidance, in the gut program, and using the transformative tools of DNA and inner child work, have helped me conquer my paralyzing fear of flying. Through our journey together, I have discovered a newfound courage within myself, allowing me to face my claustrophobia head-on and take to the skies with newfound freedom. Never thought a gut program could help me with this lol
Your mentorship and expertise, has enabled me to delve into the depths of my being, unraveling the roots of my fear and nurturing my inner child's needs. By addressing those long-held beliefs and experiences, I have been able to heal and grow, transcending the limitations that once held me back.
Since embarking on this transformative path, my life has undergone a profound shift. I now approach flying with a sense of excitement and curiosity, rather than dread. The once suffocating confines of an airplane cabin have become a space of possibility and adventure. I am no longer confined by the limitations of my fear, but instead, I soar above them, embracing all the beautiful possibilities.
Thank you, from the depths of my heart. Your presence in my life has been nothing short of a blessing. I am eternally grateful for the knowledge and support, and I will carry the lessons learned through our work together with me always. 💕🤗
Lyme disease
Most of you don’t know, but I had basically been ill from about March until fairly recent, and only confidently feeling back to normal these last couple weeks.
Between Lyme disease, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut syndrome, a depleted immune system, and a few other overlapping issues at the same time, I spent about half my day sleeping trying to recover. (Many times unable to work or even drive.)
Back in May, after my general doctor threw his hands up from sheer incompetence, bias, and indifference, I consulted with a multi-disciplined Functional Medicine practitioner at my gym. Not only did my new doctor actually listen to me, she was highly investigative. She found the issue/s almost instantly and prescribed an ongoing holistic protocol (with adjustments over time) that got me on the road to recovery—100% without pharmaceuticals or side-effects.
So, I highly recommend Becky Coots-Kimbley of Kimbley Quantum Collective to get your health on the right track.
There’s still some work to do, but in some aspects I’m in better health than I have been in years due to the holistic protocol (and have greater awareness).
What some consider alternative medicine (or even experimental), I would actually call essential.
I’m convinced.
Your health obviously plays an extremely important role in survival, and yet, many times taken for granted. Going through this made me think even more about what’s important (once again)—mind and body, purpose, energies, relationships, profession, recreation, simplicity… and life in general.
Get ahead of it. You owe it to yourself to do the same.
A month later and 2 appointments with Becky I feel as though I have added 15 years to my life; I am moving today better than I have in 3 years, my depression has been addressed, I am down 5 lbs. from where I was when I first saw Becky and my eating habits (big cause of my bladder and inflammation issues) are back on track where I was over a year ago when I lost 50 lbs. in one year. I feel amazing!!! My inflammation has decreased 80%, I no longer experience the pain I was having in my bladder and my energy levels and awareness are unbelievable. Movement and pain on the left side – decreased by 50% and I walk normally again!